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This personal waterfall shows you all of Adiaz2's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree in what you said. Social status or looks shouldn’t determine the care that we receive. We should all be equally important to receive treatment. The only correct way to categorize us in “most needed treatment” is by the most necessary care like injured, critically burned, mild illness, or transplant waitlist

1 point

Treating our OWN citizens like strays shouldn’t be the way of the most powerful country just to save a buck. It should provide equal healthcare to the rest of the countries like Canada and Cuba. We shouldn’t have to spend money to go somewhere else for attention that we could get here if we try to change.

1 point

I believe that healthcare in the US should be universal. It shouldn’t be ran by the government as people with money could easily exploit the government as it currently is. If there’s a universal healthcare system implemented, it should be ran by professionals who understand the concept of medicine as well as understand its value and the economics; the impact of this system. Like this, people wouldn’t go seeking for medical attention outside of this country because they can’t afford it. We should be able to provide to our own citizens.Also, we’ll be able to have a standardized system worldwide and make it much easier to transfer patients, consistency in medicines and treatments, all that stuff.

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