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Abenitez-P7's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Abenitez-P7's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Universal health care would help improve so many people’s lives. There shouldn’t be a price set on someone’s life. Everyone should have the chance of getting the medical attention they need without worrying about the money. Plenty of people from countries with UH are content with the system. Meanwhile in America there are so many people that are angry and discontent with our current system. In the film it talked about how Cuba, who has less resources than us is doing good and is able to meet everyone’s needs with UH. We have more resources, why can’t we also have successful UH? Of course we would need some improvements in the system but it can be done. Sometimes it seems like hospitals cared more about their business than actually helping patients. For example, the film mentioned hospitals would go as far as to throw out patients who couldn't afford medical fees.

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