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3096631_4th's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

i’m not completely disagreeing with you, you bring up a good point, but the results that you are saying is only one of many different things that could happen with not having insurance for all. For instance, sure Different hospitals could compete but they can get sloppy. By adding packages with low prices for customer appeal could led to bad healthcare.

1 point

No matter how much we can “improve” the system, someone will always be unhappy. so i disagree with your statement of “we can always improve their system” bc yea sure we can improve it too what we think is better but of course what we might think is beneficial to them could have the complete opposite results.

1 point

Living is something that shouldn’t come with a price. Just because you don’t make as much as money as dan down the street who has private insurance, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve the kidney transplant. At the end of the day, we are all made up of the same components so why should health care be an exclusive luxury ?

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