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Hoop's Health

3065485's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I completely agree with this and agree people should have access to better health care when they are in need and not months later. They should, just like many other, get the correct treatment and live a happy life.

1 point

I completely agree with this and also believe people should be able to access health care in more accessible ways.

1 point

I believe one should have free healthcare. With this I also believe people should watch how they spend their health care money because it is someone else’s money they are spending. One should be able to live a happy life without worries of when their last day may be. It is important to also be careful on how we take care of each other. Watching how we live our lives may also help prevent many of these deaths. We should over all be able to just live a happy life and not have to worry on when our last day may be if we ever get sick.

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